NBC Sunday School Manual For September 8, 2024 : Topic – SOLOMON DEDICATES THE TEMPLE.

By | September 7, 2024

NBC Sunday School Manual For September 8, 2024 : Topic – SOLOMON DEDICATES THE TEMPLE.

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Devotional Reading: Psalms 34:11-22.

Background Scripture: 1 Kings 8:22-53.

Lesson Scripture: 1 Kings 8:22-24, 37-39, 46, 48-50a.

“and when a prayer or plea is made by anyone among your people Israel- being aware of the affiliations of their own hearts, and spreading out their hands towards this temple- then hear from heaven, your dwelling-place. Forgive and act; deal with everyone according to all they do, since you know their hearts (for you alone know every human heart)” 1 Kings 8:38- 39a.

By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:
● Define prayer and its components;
● Compare the prayer of Solomon’s dedication of the temple with what we see in our churches today;
● Cultivate the habit of giving thanks and praise to God in worship.

When Pastor James Haruna assumed the pastorate of “God’s Family Baptist Church”, he was led to start a building project in their permanent site. Having been convinced of the leading of the Holy Spirit, he shared his vision with members of the church, about the need and urgency to commence a new project. Though few members did not support his vision because of financial constraint, however, the building project began in earnest and was called ‘Faith Project.’ To the amazement of the pastor, the people were enthusiastic about the work and they contributed sacrificially. After about two years, the building project was completed with modern facilities in place. In preparation for the dedication of the ultra-modern building, a five- man committee was constituted to pray and plan for the programme. The last day of the programme was full of fun, excitement, with lots of food, varieties of drinks, and entertainment of guests who had travelled from far and near to be part of the ceremony. The Conference President, who was specially invited, offered the prayer of dedication while the pastor of the church led the members of the church to sing songs of praise to God for fulfilling His promise. The story of “God’s Family Baptist Church” is similar to that of the people of Israel, under the leadership of King Solomon.

The dedication of the temple, which Solomon built was followed by different events. After moving the ark of the covenant to the temple, Solomon gathered the people of Israel and offered a prayer of thanksgiving to God with a plea for God to hear and forgive the people their sins whenever they call on Him, with their hands spread towards the temple. The focus of today’s lesson is on the prayer of Solomon while dedicating the temple he built in the Name of the Lord and his expression of thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness in keeping the promise He made to his father, David.


[1 Kings 8:22-24]

The completion of the temple in Jerusalem, under the reign of King Solomon remains memorable in the history of the people of Israel. In the presence of the whole assembly of Israel, Solomon stood before the altar and lifted his hands towards heaven and prayed. In praise to God he said, “… ‘LORD, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way.” (v. 23) In verse 24, he extolled God’s faithfulness and truth in keeping the promise He made to David, his father saying, “… with your mouth you have promised and with your hand you have fulfilled it as it is today.” This is a reference to God’s promise to David that he (Solomon) is the one who will build a house for His Name and He will establish the throne of his kingdom forever (2 Samuel 7:13).

Despite his position as king, Solomon demonstrated humility as he recognised the supremacy of God above all others (2 Samuel 7:22; 22:32). He affirmed that the God of Israel has no equal in heaven above, or on earth below (v. 23). The completion of the temple and the establishment of his throne was, to him, a proof that the promise God made to his father, David has been fulfilled (2 Samuel 7). The fact is indisputable that God is able to fulfil His promises, notwithstanding our circumstances or the duration of these challenges. Believers are, therefore, encouraged to always give praise to God whenever His promises come to pass in their lives, like King Solomon in today’s passage. This is important because thanksgiving and praise are some of the elements of worship. In addition, we should learn to respond in praise and adoration to God when He fulfils His promises to us.

1. Mention the three things Solomon praised God for.
2. Discuss how contemporary Christians can balance their prayer requests and praise to God in worship.

[1 Kings 8:37-39]

One of the outstanding things that made Solomon to stand out in the passage is his ability to balance his prayer. Having successfully offered the prayer of dedication and eulogised God, he made his supplication known to Him. In other words, he presented his request to God on behalf of Israel and appealed to Him to hear them whenever there is calamity. He identified such calamity as famine in the land, plagues, blight or mildew. Others are locusts or grasshoppers, enemy’s attack, diseases and disasters that may befall the people. He pleaded that when such occasions arise and the people come before Him in true repentance, in prayer, God should hear them. He said when a prayer or appeal is made by anyone of them, being aware of the affliction of their own hearts, with their hands spread towards this temple, God should hear them from heaven. Solomon’s appeal includes an appeal to:
● Forgive the people their sins, and act.
● Deal with everyone according to theirs deeds. The appeal to forgive the people their sins was necessitated by the fact that He alone knows their hearts.

A careful analysis of Solomon’s prayer reveals that he was honest and not self-seeking, like some Christian leaders who are self-centred – their prayers of confession and supplication are usually focused on them and their family members only. Some recognised the temple as a place of worship and a symbol of the presence of God among His people. He attested to the Scripture that says God cannot be contained in a single location (Acts 17:24). Prayer is a two-way communication between God and humankind (i.e. you are talking to God and God is talking back to you). It is an honest appeal, entreaty, request, supplication or conversation with God. Its components are usually adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. It is obvious from the passage that Solomon had an understanding of the Omnipresence and infinite nature of God (Psalm 139:7-10; Isaiah 66:1). He prayed that God should hear the prayers of the people and forgive them when they sin. Solomon’s choice of words depicted his cry for mercy; hence, his prayer is described as an earnest plea. The major lesson believers should learn from Solomon’s prayer is sincerity, selfless attitude, recognition and appreciation of the faithfulness of God at all times.

1. Why was King Solomon really concerned about God forgiving the sins of the people of Israel?
2. God does not dwell in man-made buildings, yet we enjoy His presence always. Discuss.

[1 Kings 8:46, 48-50a]

Solomon’s petition to God to hear the prayer of His people and forgive their sins continued till verse 51. He carefully spelt out the appeal in verses 48-49 when he said, “and if they turn back to you with all their heart and soul in the land of their enemies who took them captive, and pray to you towards the land you gave their ancestors, towards the city you have chosen and the temple I have built for your Name; then from heaven, your dwelling-place, hear their prayer and their plea, and uphold their cause.” Solomon’s request was comprehensive; He did not only appeal to God to forgive the sins of the people against Him, He should also make their captors to show them mercy. The appeal was based on the fact that the Israelites are His people and His inheritance (v. 51).

Gala Solomon’s request was from a sincere and humble heart. The expression in verse 49 underscores the value he attached to God’s choice of the Israelites as His treasured possession (Deuteronomy 9:26, 29). The focus of Solomon’s request was for God to look upon His people, Israel, with mercy and undeserved favour. It was indeed a cry that conveyed his longing and deep wish for their prayers to be answered, despite their sins. In the same way, Christians should value the gift of salvation, which has been bequeathed to them through faith in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-9). Solomon did not only dedicate the temple of God for worship, he also renewed the people’s relationship with Him. Believers should understand that God hates sin, and sin can lead people into captivity. However, God is willing and ready to answer our prayers when we repent of our sins and call on Him.

1. Discuss how selfish prayers can be discouraged or corrected in our churches today.
2. Describe Solomon’s style of leadership and how Christian leaders can emulate him, especially in their relationship with God.

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity:
Encourage the class members to write at least five things they have learned from the prayers of Solomon while dedicating the temple. They should pray for grace to praise God more.

Take Home:
Write down three lessons you are taking home from today’s lesson?
● __________
● __________
● __________

● Based on today’s lesson, make a commitment never to be ashamed to acknowledge God’s faithfulness in public.

Happy Sunday in Advance.

Remain Inspired & Be Lifted!

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