Category Archives: The Secret

 The Secret: The  10 Things Christians Shouldn’t Say When Someone Dies

The Secret: The  10 Things Christians Shouldn’t Say When Someone Dies Also Read: The 5 Bible Verses to Fill Your Soul with Hope 1. Heaven Is a Better Place Now That They’re in It When we say that Heaven is a better place because our loved one is in it, we have good intentions. What we… Read More »

The Secret: The 5 Bible Verses to Fill Your Soul with Hope

The Secret: The 5 Bible Verses to Fill Your Soul with Hope Also Read: The 6 Prayers for Harmony and Unity in Our Nation As we are approaching different seasons of life, we often are short on hope. Our life can wear us out to the point that we feel hopeless, unseen, and hurt. The… Read More »

The Secret: The 6 Prayers for Harmony and Unity in Our Nation

The Secret: The 6 Prayers for Harmony and Unity in Our Nation Read previous Messages here We turn on the news it seems like daily and find reports of death, tragedies, division, and people left behind with their lives torn apart. So many of us have grown numb in efforts to not completely fall apart… Read More »

The Secret: The 5 Ways Shame Is Damaging Believers and the Church

The Secret: The 5 Ways Shame Is Damaging Believers and the Church Also Read : The 7 Ways to Know and Fulfill God’s Purpose for Your Life Have you ever heard another believer tell you, “You should be ashamed of yourself!”? Perhaps you’ve sat in church and heard your pastor say how disappointed he is in… Read More »

The 7 Ways to Know and Fulfill God’s Purpose for Your Life

The 7 Ways to Know and Fulfill God’s Purpose for Your Life Read previous Messages here God’s purpose for our existence is the same for everyone. He wants to put Christ on display in our lives for entire the world to see. And God fulfills His purpose by molding us into the image of Christ.… Read More »

The Secret : The 7 Keys to Understanding the True Value of Biblical Piety Today

The Secret : The 7 Keys to Understanding the True Value of Biblical Piety Today Read previous Messages here While “piety” is recognized and understood within Christian contexts, the term is not as commonly used in everyday conversation among Christians today. Contemporary discussions might favor words like “faithfulness,” “devotion,” or “spirituality” to describe similar concepts.… Read More »

The Secret : The 4 Signs Your Faith Group Is Unhealthy

The Secret : The 4 Signs Your Faith Group Is Unhealthy Read previous MESSAGES HERE I’ve encountered numerous people who are struggling to heal from wounds inflicted by those who’ve turned what our Father intended to be safe places into circles of toxicity. Thankfully, some quickly detected—and left—these dysfunctional spheres. Others wrestle with a confusion… Read More »

The Secret: The 6 Simple Steps to Understanding the Gospel

The Secret: The 6 Simple Steps to Understanding the Gospel Read previous Messages here We often hear the word gospel in Christianity—perhaps we call something “the gospel truth.” We might say, “Share the gospel,” or “I like gospel music,” or ask, “Which Gospel talks about the birth of Christ?” But what does the word gospel actually mean, and what… Read More »

The Secret: The 7 Things the Bible Says about Loved Ones in Heaven

The Secret: The 7 Things the Bible Says about Loved Ones in Heaven Read previous Hidden Secrets here We all wonder about what heaven is like and what our deceased loved ones are doing there. As God’s Word, the Bible serves as the primary source of guidance and assurance on what happens to our loved… Read More »

The Secret: The 10 False Versions of Jesus People Are Falling For

The Secret: The 10 False Versions of Jesus People Are Falling For Also Read : The 7 Ways to Cultivate a Better, More Powerful Prayer Life When I found out I wasn’t following the real Jesus, I was totally undone. The hard work of making Jesus fit my brain, answer when I called, and label me… Read More »

The Secret : The 7 Ways to Cultivate a Better, More Powerful Prayer Life

The Secret : The 7 Ways to Cultivate a Better, More Powerful Prayer Life Also Read :The 5 Surprising Signs Your Church Might Be Getting Worship Wrong When I was young, our church had people we called prayer warriors. These people had a reputation for praying and getting responses. If we had a serious problem, we… Read More »

The Secret : The 5 Ways to Own Your Story and Silence the Voices Telling You Who to Be

The Secret : The 5 Ways to Own Your Story and Silence the Voices Telling You Who to Be Read previous Inspirational Messages here God is writing the story for each of our lives. As the Creator and Savior, He alone gets to tell us about our identity and purpose. Yet, as much as we… Read More »

The Secret: The 5 Surprising Signs Your Church Might Be Getting Worship Wrong

The Secret: The 5 Surprising Signs Your Church Might Be Getting Worship Wrong Also Read : The 7 Qualities That Define a Wife of Noble Character Think of the word “worship.” Usually, what comes to mind is a state of reverence and honor, with someone bowing down in homage and deference. Worship is a verb,… Read More »

The Secret : The 7 Qualities That Define a Wife of Noble Character

The Secret : The 7 Qualities That Define a Wife of Noble Character Also Read :The 4 Steps to Forgiving Others The idea of being a ‘wife of noble character’ comes from Proverbs 31:10-31. The text says (emphasis added), “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full… Read More »

The Secret : The 4 Steps to Forgiving Others

The Secret : The 4 Steps to Forgiving Others Read previous uSEFUL mESSAGES HERE “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:31-32 (NIV) Too many of us… Read More »

The Secret : The 7 Ways to Cultivate a Better, More Powerful Prayer Life

The Secret : The 7 Ways to Cultivate a Better, More Powerful Prayer Life Read previous Secret Messages here When I was young, our church had people we called prayer warriors. These people had a reputation for praying and getting responses. If we had a serious problem, we engaged these prayer warriors to pray with us.… Read More »

The Secret: The 3 Bottom Line of Money

The Secret: The 3 Bottom Line of Money Read previous MeSSAGES HERE The bottom line on money ‘There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing.’ Proverbs 13:7 NKJV The Bible says, ‘There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing; and one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches’ (v. 7… Read More »

The Secret : The 10 Churches You Might Want to Avoid

The Secret : The 10 Churches You Might Want to Avoid Read previous Messages here Churches come in all shapes, sizes, and sometimes even beliefs. In Revelation 2-3, the Bible gives us some descriptions of a church that might have lost its way. Although, the Bible also mentions positive things that these very same churches… Read More »

The Secret: The 7 Prayers to Breathe in God’s Strength First Thing in the Morning

The Secret: The 7 Prayers to Breathe in God’s Strength First Thing in the Morning Read previous The Secret Messages here Morning prayers can serve as a way to breathe in God’s strength, filling your heart and mind with God’s presence from the very start of the day – first thing in the morning. Just as your… Read More »

The Secret: The 4 Things to Do When a Christian Leader Fails You

The Secret: The 4 Things to Do When a Christian Leader Fails You Also Read :How To Trust God for Your Big Dream Leaders in the church aren’t exempt from sin. No one is. We don’t expect perfect people to lead our congregations, create our resources, and speak into our culture. But we do expect them to… Read More »

The Secret to Being a Likeable Person

The Secret to Being a Likeable Person Read other Inspirational Messages here “Joseph lived in the home of Potiphar, his Egyptian owner. Soon Potiphar realized that the LORD was helping Joseph to be successful in whatever he did. Potiphar liked Joseph and made him his personal assistant.” Genesis 39:2-4 (EVC) If you want to stand… Read More »

The Must Read Discussion: Should a Fallen Pastor Be Restored or Ignored?

The Must Read Discussion: Should a Fallen Pastor Be Restored? Read other Messages here So many trusted pastors have fallen to immorality. Disgraced. Lives forever changed. Shame and humiliation. Churches and lives reeling, shocked, wounded. Christians paraded through the media, used as examples of the hypocrisy of the church. Names drug through the mud, reminded constantly they… Read More »

The Secret: The 10 Signs You are Born to be a Leader, According to Psychology

The Secret: The 10 Signs You are Born to be a Leader, According to Psychology Also Read: The 4 Ways to Use Your Spiritual Gifts The concept of leadership and leadership styles has informed a vast array of fields of research for several years. Leadership is a complex concept that has taken its shape in… Read More »

The Secret: The 4 Ways to Use Your Spiritual Gifts

The Secret: The 4 Ways to Use Your Spiritual Gifts Read previous Messages here “Give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.” Romans 6:13 (NLT) God has given spiritual gifts… Read More »

The Secret: The 3 Things To Do With Unused Ability

The Secret: The 3 Things To Do With Unused Ability Read previous Messages here “When the master comes and finds the servant doing his work, the servant will be blessed.” Luke 12:43 (NCV) All of us have unused abilities. But there are three ways that you can start cultivating your abilities so that they are… Read More »

Spiritual Tips: The 3 Ways to have peace (1)

Spiritual Tips: The 3 Ways to have peace (1) Read previous Inspoirational Message here ‘We have peace with God.’ Romans 5:1 NIV God will give you three kinds of peace. 1) Spiritual peace. ‘Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.’ That’s the foundation, the bottom line. You… Read More »

The Secret: How To Withstand Harmattan Season In Nigeria

By | December 25, 2023

How To Withstand Harmattan Season In Nigeria Seasons are periods of the year with distinct weather conditions and day lengths. West Africa and Nigeria in particular has two major seasons in a year – rainy and dry season. Nigeria has a tropical climate with variable rainy and dry seasons, depending on location. It is hot and… Read More »