Category Archives: Prayer Patterns

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For June 8, 2021 : Topic – Prayers For Elders

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For June 8, 2021 : Topic – Prayers For Elders Read previous Prayer Point here Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for June 8th: 1.Father, we thank You for all our elders. Please help them to stay true to their calling as men and women of wisdom. 2.Father, please help all… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For June 4, 2021 Topic – Divine Security I

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For June 4, 2021 Topic – Divine Security I Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for June 4th: 1.Thank You, Father, for the salvation of my soul, and for Your covenant of protection over my life and family. Click HERE for Open Heaven 4 June 2021… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 24, 2021: Topic – Signs Of Backsliding III

By | March 24, 2021

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 24, 2021: Topic – Signs Of Backsliding III Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for March 24th: 1.Thank You, Father, for Your promise to uphold me, till the end, by Your right hand of righteousness, without blemish or wrinkle. Click HERE for Open Heaven… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 23, 2021 : Topic – Signs Of Backsliding II

By | March 23, 2021

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 23, 2021 : Topic – Signs Of Backsliding II Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for March 23rd: 1.I worship and adore, You, my Father, for You’re such a holy God that Your face cannot behold iniquity in anyone. Click HERE for Open Heaven… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 22, 2021 : Topic– Signs Of Backsliding I

By | March 22, 2021

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 22, 2021 : Topic– Signs Of Backsliding I Click HERE for Previous Open Heave Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for March 22nd: 1.I worship and adore You, my Father; You’re, the Prince of Peace, my redeemer, my restorer and my Hope of glory. Click HERE for Open Heaven 22… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 21, 2021 : Topic – Preach The Word

By | March 21, 2021

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 21, 2021 : Topic – Preach The Word Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for March 21st: 1.Thank You, Father, for creating me in Your image and likeness, and for the privilege and honour to be called to preach Your word. Click HERE for… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 20, 2021 Topic – A Friend Indeed?

By | March 20, 2021

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 20, 2021 Topic – A Friend Indeed? Click HERE for Previous Open Heave Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for March 20th: 1.Thank You, Father, sending Your son, Jesus, to Calvary, to shed His precious blood for the remission of my sin; thank You, also for the grace to… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 19, 2021 : Topic – The Soul Winner May Be Insulted

By | March 19, 2021

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 19, 2021 : Topic – The Soul Winner May Be Insulted Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for March 19th: 1.Thank You, Father, for the salvation of my soul and for mandating me to rise for the salvation of others. Click HERE for Open… Read More »

 Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 17, 2021 :Topic –  Tomorrow May Be Too Late

By | March 17, 2021

 Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 17, 2021 :Topic –  Tomorrow May Be Too Late Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for March 17th: 1.Thank You, Father, for Your saving grace that located me and brought me to Your altar of repentance and salvation. Click HERE For Open Heaven 17… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 15, 2021 : Topic – Examine Your Friends

By | March 15, 2021

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 15, 2021 : Topic – Examine Your Friends   Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for March 15th: 1.Thank You, Father, for bringing me out of the darkness of this world, into Your marvelous light in Christ Jesus. Click HERE For Open Heaven 15… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 11, 2021 :Topic – Prayers For Leaders

By | March 11, 2021

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 11, 2021 :Topic – Prayers For Leaders Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for March 11th: 1.Father, thank You for all leaders in every sphere – whether it is education, health, technology, manufacturing, politics or anywhere whatsoever, please give them wisdom and good… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 9, 2021 : Topic – Beware Of False Prophets I

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 9, 2021 : Topic – Beware Of False Prophets I   Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for March 9th: 1.Thank You, Father, for not giving me the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. – Click HERE… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 2, 2021: Topic – State Of The Vessel

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For March 2, 2021: Topic – State Of The Vessel Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for March 2nd: 1.Thank You, Father, for where You started with me, for where I am, and for where You’re taking me. 2.Thank You, Father, for Your abiding presence… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For February 9, 2021 – A Time To Flee (III)

By | February 9, 2021

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For February 9, 2021 – A Time To Flee (III) Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 Prayer Points for February 9th: 1.I worship and adore You, my Father; You’re my rock, my fortress, my deliverer; my creator and God, in whom I will trust. Click HERE for Open… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For February 3, 2021 – Believer For Show?

By | February 3, 2021

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For February 3, 2021 – Believer For Show? Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 PRAYER POINTS for February 3rd: 1.I worship and adore, You, my Father, for Your steadfast love that never ceaseth over my life, and for Your mercies never that endureth forever. Click HERE for Open… Read More »

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For February 2, 2021 – The Everlasting God

By | February 2, 2021

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For February 2, 2021 – The Everlasting God Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 2021 PRAYER POINTS for February 2nd: 1.I worship and adore, You, my Father; from everlasting to everlasting You are God; nobody can kill You, nobody can dethrone You and nobody can reduce Your power.… Read More »


By | February 1, 2021


Prayer Points On Open Heavens For January 30, 2021 – Do Good!

By | January 30, 2021

Prayer Points On Open Heavens For January 30, 2021 – Do Good! Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Prayer Points: 1.Thank You, Father, for giving me a freewill and the power to choose between life and death, and between blessing and cursing. Click HERE for Open Heaven 30 January 2021 2.Father, in anyway I have fallen… Read More »


By | January 18, 2021

PRAYER POINTS ON OPEN HEAVENS FOR JANUARY 18, 2021 – MCY: BITTERNESS   Prayer Points: 1.I worship and adore, You, my Father, for being the Author and Finisher of my faith. Click HERE for Open Heaven 18 January 2021 2.Thank You, Father, for, I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. 3.Father, in anyway… Read More »

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 16, 2021 – MCY: Lust I

By | January 16, 2021

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 16, 2021 – MCY: Lust I Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Prayer Points: 1.Thank You, Father, for the salvation of of soul; thank You, for sending Your son, Jesus, to Calvary, that I could be a partaker of Your divine nature. Click HERE for Open Heaven 16… Read More »

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 152021 – MCY: Men-Pleasing

By | January 15, 2021

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 152021 – MCY: Men-Pleasing Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Prayer Points: 1.I worship and adore, You, my Father, the Author and the Finisher of my faith; thank You for Your mercy and grace that have brought me thus far, in life. Click HERE for Open Heaven 15… Read More »

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 14, 2021 – MCY: Past Glories

By | January 14, 2021

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 14, 2021 – MCY: Past Glories Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Prayer Points: 1.Thank You, Father, for taking me out of Egypt; please, let Egypt be completely taken out of me, in Jesus name. Click HERE for Open Heaven 14 January 2021 2.Father, in anyway I have… Read More »

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 12, 2021 – MCY: Pride

By | January 12, 2021

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 12, 2021 – MCY: Pride Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Prayer Points: 1.I worship and adore, You, my Father, for the stone which the builders rejected, the same has become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our… Read More »

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 11, 2021 : Topic – Mathematics Of Christ In You (MCY)

By | January 11, 2021

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 11, 2021 : Topic – Mathematics Of Christ In You (MCY) Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Prayer Points: 1.Thank You, Father, for creating me in Your image and likeness, and for giving me dominion over all that You have created. Click HERE for Open heaven 11 January… Read More »

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 7, 2021 – Prayers For The New Year

By | January 7, 2021

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 7, 2021 – Prayers For The New Year Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Prayer Points: Father, please give me the grace to praise You like never before and fill my life with great testimonies this year. Click HERE for Open Heaven 7 January 2021 Lord, give me… Read More »

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 6, 2021 – Nothing Hidden

By | January 6, 2021

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 6, 2021 – Nothing Hidden Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Prayer Points: 1.I worship and adore You, my Father, for nothing is hidden from You; You’re the One who knows the end of all things, right from the beginning. Click HERE for Open Heaven 6 January 2021… Read More »

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 5, 2021 – All-Round Fruitfulness

By | January 5, 2021

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 5, 2021 – All-Round Fruitfulness Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Prayer Points: 1.Thank You, Father, for creating me in Your image and likeness, and for giving me dominion and authority over all that You created. Click HERE for Open Heaven 5 January 2021 2.Father, in anyway I… Read More »

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 3, 2021 – If Only You Knew

By | January 3, 2021

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 3, 2021 – If Only You Knew   Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Prayer Points: 1.Thank You, Father, for all the battles You have fought and won on my behalf, the I see and the one I did not see. Click HERE for Open Heaven 3 January… Read More »

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 2, 2021 – Just Give Thanks

By | January 2, 2021

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens For January 2, 2021 – Just Give Thanks Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Prayer Points: 1.Thank You, Father, for creating me in Your image and likeness and for the salvation of my soul. 2.Thank You, Father, for Your love, mercy and grace, over my life and destiny. 3.Thank… Read More »

MFM Prosperity Prayer Points 2021 By Pastor D.K. Olukoya

By | December 31, 2020

MFM Prosperity Prayer Points 2021 By Pastor D.K. Olukoya Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Pastor D.K. Olukoya 2021 NEW YEAR PROGRAMME 2021 PROSPERITY PRAYER POINTS Jesus is the Lord of this earth. The earth with all its fullness belongs to God. As a joint heir with Jesus, I claim the wealth of this earth, for it belongs… Read More »