Tag Archives: Rick Warren

Inspirational Message By Pastor Rick Warren : Topic – Are You Ready to Respond Responsibly?

Inspirational Message By Pastor Rick Warren : Topic – Are You Ready to Respond Responsibly? Read previous Messages here “A fool expresses all his emotions, but a wise person controls them.” Proverbs 29:11 (GW) Some of the clearest evidence of maturity and responsibility in your life is when you can handle the pressures, problems, and… Read More »

July 24, 2020 Rick Warren Devotional :- Can I Be Sure I’ll Get into Heaven?

July 24, 2020 Rick Warren Devotional :- Can I Be Sure I’ll Get into Heaven? Read previous Rick Warren Devotionals here “Those who hear my words and believe in him who sent me have eternal life. They will not be judged.” John 5:24 (GNT) Jesus’ death and Resurrection release us from judgment. You may imagine… Read More »

July 22, 2020 Rick Warren Devotional :- You Are Gifted for Such a Time as This

July 22, 2020 Rick Warren Devotional :- You Are Gifted for Such a Time as This Read previous Rick Warren Devotionals here Who can say but that God has brought you into the palace for just such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 (TLB) After you identify your gifts and the needs that stir your… Read More »

June 14, 2020 Rick Warren Devotional :- Be Color Blessed, Not Colorblind

June 14, 2020 Rick Warren Devotional :- Be Color Blessed, Not Colorblind Read previous Rick Warren Devotionals here “The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV) Some people say, “When I look at people, I… Read More »