Tag Archives: Today In The Word

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 23, 2024 : Topic – SPIRIT-FILLED SINGING

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 23, 2024 : Topic – SPIRIT-FILLED SINGING Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse: Be very careful, then, how you live— not as unwise but as wise.EPHESIANS 5:15 Bible Text :  Ephesians 5:1–21 Some Christians get uncomfortable when the topic of the Holy Spirit comes up. But there… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 21, 2024 : Topic – A NIGHT SONG

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 21, 2024 : Topic – A NIGHT SONG Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.PSALM 42:8 Bible Text:  Acts 16:16–40 There is no musical… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 20, 2024 : Topic – SUPPER AND A SONG

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 20, 2024 : Topic – SUPPER AND A SONG Read previous Devotionals here Bible Text : Matthew 26:17–35 Memory Verse : When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.MATTHEW 26:30 Have you been to a festival or reception where the occasion… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 18, 2024 : Topic – UNCOMPROMISED WORSHIP

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 18, 2024 : Topic – UNCOMPROMISED WORSHIP Read previous Devotionals here Memory Verse: You shall have no other gods before me.EXODUS 20:3 Bible Text :  Daniel 3 At the start of our study, we learned that the word music comes from the Greek mousa, which is where we get the… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 17, 2024 : Topic – THE ULTIMATE LOVE SONG

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 17, 2024 : Topic – THE ULTIMATE LOVE SONG Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible Text:  Song of Songs 5:10–16 Memory Verse : He is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, this is my friend.SONG OF SONGS 5:16 Love songs have always been popular. Songs that express… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 16, 2024 : Topic – PSALMS: SONGS OF ZION

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 16, 2024 : Topic – PSALMS: SONGS OF ZION Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : Those the LORD has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing.ISAIAH 51:11 Bible Text:  Psalm 132 There is a worship song that blesses me each time my church… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 15, 2024 : Topic – WALLS AROUND THE TEMPLE

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 15, 2024 : Topic – WALLS AROUND THE TEMPLE Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse: The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away.NEHEMIAH 12:43 Bible Text :  Nehemiah 12:22–43 From ancient times to modern history, walls were often built around a city to… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 13, 2024 : Topic – WALLS AROUND THE TEMPLE

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 13, 2024 : Topic – WALLS AROUND THE TEMPLE Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible Text :  Nehemiah 12:22–43 Memory Verse: The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away.NEHEMIAH 12:43 From ancient times to modern history, walls were often built around a city to… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 10, 2024 : Topic – ELISHA AND A MUSICIAN

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 10, 2024 : Topic – ELISHA AND A MUSICIAN Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : While the harpist was playing, the hand of the LORD came on Elisha and he said, “This is what the LORD says.”2 KINGS 3:15–16 Bible Reading :  2 Kings 3… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 9, 2024 : Topic – A DECREE TO REMEMBER

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 9, 2024 : Topic – A DECREE TO REMEMBER Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : Extol, thank, and praise the LORD, the God of Israel.1 CHRONICLES 16:4 Bible Text: 1 Chronicles 16 Whether with a card, email, or text, remembering the birthday of a loved… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 8, 2024 : Topic – DANGERS OF A NEW CART

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 8, 2024 : Topic – DANGERS OF A NEW CART Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible Verse:  2 Samuel 6:1–15 Memory Verse: This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths.”JEREMIAH 6:16 Most of us are attracted to anything… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 7, 2024 : Topic – DAVID’S UNIQUE TALENT

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 7, 2024 : Topic – DAVID’S UNIQUE TALENT Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : You are my LORD; apart from you I have no good thing.PSALM 16:2 Bible Text: 1 Samuel 16:11–23 It goes without saying that to be hired for a job, you must… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 4, 2024 : Topic – THE SONG OF MOSES

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 4, 2024 : Topic – THE SONG OF MOSES Read previous Devotionals here Memory Verse : hey are not just idle words for you— they are your life.DEUTERONOMY 32:47 Bible Text :  Deuteronomy 31:14–32:47 Many of us can easily think of a song that is meaningful to… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 3, 2024 : Topic – “SONG OF THE SEA”

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 3, 2024 : Topic – “SONG OF THE SEA” Read previous Daily Devotionals here Then they believed his promises and sang his praise.PSALM 106:12 Bible Text: Exodus 15:1–18 It has been said that if you want to learn how to pray, study the prayers in Scripture. Similarly,… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 2, 2024 : Topic – MUSIC AND PRAYER

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 2, 2024 : Topic – MUSIC AND PRAYER Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible Text :  Genesis 4:17–26 Memory Verse : At that time people began to call on the name of the LORD.GENESIS 4:26 Message : “To sing is to pray twice.” This quote, often attributed… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 29, 2024 : Topic – A FEARFUL CONCLUSION

By | April 29, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 29, 2024 : Topic – A FEARFUL CONCLUSION Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible Text :  Ecclesiastes 12:9–14 Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.ECCLESIASTES 12:13 Message : When a judge or jury renders their final verdict in a trial,… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 28, 2024 : Topic – JOHN’S FEAR OF THE LORD

By | April 28, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 28, 2024 : Topic – JOHN’S FEAR OF THE LORD Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.REVELATION 1:17 Bible Text: Revelation 1:9–18 Fear of the Lord is an important part of worship in the book… Read More »

Today In The Word For April 27, 2024 : Topic – THE EARLY CHURCH FEARED THE LORD

By | April 27, 2024

Today In The Word For April 27, 2024 : Topic – THE EARLY CHURCH FEARED THE LORD Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible Text :  Acts 9:26–31 Memory Verse ; Living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers.ACTS 9:31 Saul had inspired much fear in the… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 26, 2024 : Topic – ANANIAS AND SAPPHIRA DID NOT FEAR

By | April 26, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 26, 2024 : Topic – ANANIAS AND SAPPHIRA DID NOT FEAR Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord?ACTS 5:9 Bible TextL Acts 5:1–11 Many these days have been wondering if we’re too casual or “flip”… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 25, 2024 : Topic – PETER’S FEAR OF THE LORD

By | April 25, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 25, 2024 : Topic – PETER’S FEAR OF THE LORD Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!LUKE 5:8 Bible Text : April 25, 2024 | Message : Fat Bear Week is held every year at Katmai… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 22, 2024 : Topic – FEAR OF THE LORD AND PROTECTION

By | April 21, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 22, 2024 : Topic – FEAR OF THE LORD AND PROTECTION Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : The fear of the LORD fell on all the kingdoms of the lands surrounding Judah.2 CHRONICLES 17:10 Bible Text : Topic –  2 Chronicles 17:1–11 Message : In… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 21, 2024 : Topic – KINGS WHO FEARED THE LORD

By | April 20, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 21, 2024 : Topic – KINGS WHO FEARED THE LORD Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : When he rules in the fear of God, he is like the light of morning at sunrise.2 SAMUEL 23:3–4 Bible Text :  2 Samuel 23:1–7 Watching the sun rise… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 19, 2024 : Topic – ABRAHAM’S FEAR OF THE LORD

By | April 19, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 19, 2024 : Topic – ABRAHAM’S FEAR OF THE LORD Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : Now I know that you fear God.GENESIS 22:12 Bible Text: Genesis 22:1–14 In the Marines, new recruits learn to obey their commanding officer quickly and without hesitation. When responding… Read More »

Today In The Word Daiily Devotional For April 17, 2024 : Topic – THE KEY TO WISDOM

By | April 17, 2024

Today In The Word Daiily Devotional For April 17, 2024 : Topic – THE KEY TO WISDOM Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible Text:  Isaiah 33:2–6 Memory Verse : The fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure.ISAIAH 33:6 Losing keys is a common experience at our house. Did we leave them in… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 16, 2024 : Topic – Proverbs 9:1–11

By | April 16, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 16, 2024 : Topic – Proverbs 9:1–11 Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.PROVERBS 9:10 Bible Reading : Proverbs 9:1–11 Message : On the road to the Celestial… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 15, 2024 : Topic – THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM, PART 2

By | April 15, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 15, 2024 : Topic – THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM, PART 2 Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them.PSALM 111:2 Bible Text: Psalm 111 Message : A Pickles cartoon by Brian Crane… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 14, 2024 : Topic – THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM, PART 1

By | April 13, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 14, 2024 : Topic – THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM, PART 1 Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible Text : Proverbs 1:1–7 Memory Verse : The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. PROVERBS 1:7 “Two people may possess essentially… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 12, 2024 : Topic – Fear And Righteousness

By | April 11, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 12, 2024 : Topic – Fear And Righteousness Read previous Devotionals here Memory Verse : Fear the LORD, you his holy people.PSALM 34:9 Bible Text :  Psalm 34:8–16 To be “righteous” means to be morally upright, to be without sin. Of course, holy perfection is an unreachable… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 11, 2024 : Topic – Fear And Purity

By | April 11, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 11, 2024 : Topic – Fear And Purity Read previous Devotionals here Memory Verse: He fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. PSALM 19:9 Bible Text: Psalm 19:7–14 According to the Journal of Food Research, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake multiplies the number of… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 10, 2024 : Topic – Fear And Justice

By | April 10, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 10, 2024 : Topic – Fear And Justice Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible Text: You must serve faithfully and wholeheartedly in the fear of the LORD.2 CHRONICLES 19:9 Have you ever heard a political candidate on the campaign trail? Or seen a video of one on… Read More »