March 6, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- A FAITHFUL FRIEND

March 6, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- A FAITHFUL FRIEND

Read previous Devotionals here





MEMORY VERSE: “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity” (PROVERBS 17:17).

“What A Friend We Have In Jesus”,_ is one of the most beloved Christian hymns, but it was God’s revelation to a broken heart. The author was Joseph M. Scriven. A day before his wedding, his would-be bride fell off her horse while crossing a bridge and drowned in the water below. Joseph watched helplessly from the other side of the river.

At age 25, he fell in love with another young lady. They had great plans to be married, but tragedy struck again, Elizabeth Roche died of pneumonia. Years later, while Joseph Scriven was sick, a friend discovered a poem he had written at the time to comfort his grieving mother, _”What A Friend We Have In Jesus”.

Have you experienced the pain of being let down by a friend? Earthly friends are sometimes helpless. Imagine the pains Joseph Scriven must have experienced. But Jesus is “a friend that sticketh closer than a brother”. He has grace to help and power to keep. Do you know this Jesus? He loves you and will be faithful to you to the end.

QUOTE: Earthly friends are sometimes helpless.

CHALLENGE: The best friend to have is Jesus.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, receive me as your friend today.

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